We are most appreciative of gifts of stock, real estate, other forms of equity, and bequests. In fact, these types of contributions can be easily accomplished. You simply contact your broker or your financial institution to request a transfer of shares or otherwise to HCCI, Inc. To facilitate this, you may contact our attorney Marvin K. Pettus at PETTUS & WILLIAMS, PLLC. His contact information is as follows:
Marvin K. Pettus, Esq.
Attorneys at Law
111 John Street, Suite 1504
New York, New York 10038
Phone - (212) 566-2424
Fax - (212) 566-2443
Email - mpettus@pettuswilliams.com
Mr. Pettus will be able to provide the necessary account and routing information to make the transfer. If you have any questions, please contact HCCI's Chief Financial Officer, Ernie Enad directly at 212-281-4887.