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The following programs are on hold due to COVID-19. 


After School Program

HCCI offers an after school program for youngsters ages 5 to 12.  Participating children are picked from local public and charter schools by the facilitator, Hands That Make A Difference.  The program offers homework assistance, S.T.E.A.M. enrichment activities have included dance, arts and crafts and science and technology projects facilitated by NYIT, the New York Institute of Technology.  The after school program follows the public school calendar and provides service from 2pm to 6pm, Monday thru Friday.  To enroll email


The HCCI Technology Clubhouse 

The HCCI Technology Clubhouse was launched in 2002 as part of an award winning after school program created by the M.I.T. Media Lab and the Boston Museum of Science and was one of 100 similar Clubhouses spread throughout the world.  Now, an independent technology center,  HCCI continues to embrace a “learning through design,” approach by making industry standard, computing and multi-media tools accessible to the young people. However, we have expanded our offerings by providing programs adult programs, new partnerships and special collaboration with the New York Institute of Technology.  


Young people who spend time in the Clubhouse acquire an exceptional familiarity with many professional software programs that will not only serve them in their future educational and professional needs, but also facilitate their overall use and mastery of technology and complex problem solving. The HCCI technology center clubhouse features:


· Home of the Harlem Digital- Kids! Program

· 3-D Printing

· Hydroponic and Organic Gardening

· A Solar Panel Farm

· Coding & Maker Space

· Green Screen Technology

· We can host your STEM based learning group activity


The Clubhouse is free and has an ongoing, open enrollment policy.  This program is partially supported by DYCD/NY City Council & Manhattan Borough President's Office and Con Edison.


Click here to view a story on our recent HCCI + NYIT open house!

Click here to view the Clubhouse's amazing Vimeo page!


Ages: 10-18

When: Monday - Friday, year-round, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Where: 263 W. 153rd Street (between Frederick Douglass Blvd. & Macombs Place)

Contact Info: 212-281-4887 ext. 222 

Enroll: Click here to enroll your child. 

Filmmaker Promo May 2021.png


Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement, Inc. (HCCI)

256 W. 153rd Street  •  New York, NY 10039  •  Phone 212-281-4887  •  Fax 212-281-8102

HCCI is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law.

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